Cow protection in Budhism
Gautama Budha preached about the utility and importance of cows. He advocated against cow slaughter and gave great importance to cow rearing.
यथा माता सिता भ्राता अज्ञे वापि च ज्ञातका ।
गावो मे परमा मित्ता यातु जजायंति औषधा ॥
अन्नदा बलदा चेता वण्णदा सुखदा तथा ।
एतवत्थवसं ज्ञत्वा नास्सुगावो हनिं सुते ॥
Like parents, siblings, members of family and community, cow is dear to us. It is very helpful. We prepare medicine from its milk. Cow gives food, strength, beauty, and pleasure. Similarly ox supports family men. We should treat the ox and cow like our parents. (Goutama Budha)
गोहाणि सख्य गिहीनं पोसका भोगरायका ।
तस्मा हि माता पिता व मानये सक्करेय्य च् ॥ १४ ॥
ये च् खादंति गोमांसं मातुमासं व खादये ॥ १५ ॥
Cows and oxen provide necessary and appropriate products to all households. Therefore we should treat them with care and respect like we treat our parents. Eating cow’s meat is like eating one’s own mother’s flesh. (Lokaneeti 7)
- Cows have to prosper for the country to prosper. (Emperor Ashoka)